Shelf Carvings


Inspired by wooden children's toys that I grew up with. These carvings were made entirely on the drill, bandsaw, and scroll saw.

The Album Covers

I used key features in Album Covers as inspiration for a few of the more complex carvings.

Hawaii Part IIミラクルミュージカル
Not A TrampolineRob Cantor

Sailor Moon

Inspired by an ad from my high school's SCAM club (Sci-fi, Comics, Anime, Manga).

The Angel

The biblically accurate angel was a fun one. 6 rings of many eyes, 6 wings of fire, blah blah blah.

The Tree

This tree is almost 4 times the size of the normal carvings. This was made for a friend who wanted a tree. This was around the time when I started getting creative with the pictures.

Sam's Blobfish
Polar Bear
Bunny, I think.

The Animals

The first few were simple, and very abstract. They were animals that already had designs or inspiration elsewhere on the internet. After some practice, the animals became increasingly detailed.